About Us

The American Equal Rights Association is made up of five men who each served a year in Congress. The founder of the Association was Rev. Thomas M. Elliot. He served from 1875 to 1887. Prior to his election as President of the Association, he served for one term as a delegate from New Hampshire. President Elliot brought with him six other members: Sewall Jackson, George W. Pickens, Samuel T. Corbett, Henry S. Lamason, William H. Chittenden and George S. True.

The goal of the Association is to protect the rights of all Americans. The purpose of the members of the right’s organization was to create a more just society for all by promoting equal rights for all. Among its many activities, the rights organization has been successful in securing the eight-hour work day, the equal rights for women, worker’s rights for unemployed workers, the eight-hour work week and environmental protection.

There are various divisions of the rights organization. The Gay and Lesbian Rights Center is an example of this division. The Center for Lesbian and Gay Rights (C GL). is an offshoot from the American Association of Lesbian Rights.

Another division of the rights organization is the Disability Rights Advocates’ Program (DRAP). The DRAP focuses on achieving full rights for people with disabilities. The organization also works on the regional, national and global level to promote justice for people with disabilities. Another division of the right’s organization deals with issues that affect lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals and gay parenting. The Gay and Lesbian Rights Education Program (GELP) educate all American parents about their rights to teach their children about homosexuality.

The most important part of the rights association is its legal department. The lawyers of the rights association work on cases dealing with all aspects of the rights movement, including civil rights, disability rights, family rights, gay rights, inter-racial rights, age discrimination, medical care and the right to freedom of speech and religion. They have the expertise and experience to win cases. The legal representation is therefore important if you want your equal rights case to be heard by the courts.

The rights association has been able to build up a strong network of volunteer attorneys who give legal advice to people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer. They guide the lawyers through the process so that their clients do not have to spend too much on legal aid. Many of them go through training programs and get practical experience while helping the organization. The volunteers help the attorneys by handling the administrative work like filing documents and submission. The lawyers are assisted by other members of the rights association who give legal advice to the clients.